The Sleestaks

There was a lot of creative items in the Land of the Lost. I recall pylons which were larger on the inside than on the out. There was also another visitor who was made of lights and was affected by emotions. The special effects of the dinosaurs was great. But the most memorable for me were the Sleestaks.

These creatures had big bug eyes. They seemed to be part reptile. And they wanted to capture and do who knows what kinds of evil to the family. Enik was their ancestor. His race was purported to be the ones who created the Land of the Lost. I loved these sleestaks so much, I dressed up as one of them for Halloween.

Marshall, Will, and Holly

In case you did not know the story, each intro to the series did a recap. This family took a raft ride. The river ran down a steep waterfall. The song says they fell 1000 feet. That is how they arrived in the Land of the Lost.

It just so happens that I saw the last episode. The family does not make it home. Enik believes that the died during the fall from the waterfall. He cannot determine how the family is still alive.

Spoiler coming up here. Enik tries to send the family home to restore the natural order of things. However they only return back in time to the point where they enter the Land of the Lost. This family is never going to escape. Otherwise there is no show.

Cha-ka Sightings

It was shocking to see that Cha-ka (and the other Pacuni race) spoke some weird kind of language. I guess that fact did not remain in my brain for the long run. I was a young kid when I first watched Land of the Lost.

Cha-ka also seemed to run around like a monkey. I thought of him more as a pet than a friend of the family. He seemed to be plagued by his own family of Ka and Sa.

Who is the poor kid who had to play Cha-ka? That makeup must have taken a long time to put on and take off.

LOL Marathon

Today I turned the TV on and was pleased to find a Land of the Lost marathon going on. At first they shows only featured Marshall, Will, and Holly. But then I started seeing some of my other old friends.

I somehow remember Cha-ka being more prominent in the series. And I did not know that Enik ran away back to his home.

It was nice to recall that the dinosaurs were a source of problems for the family. I thought it was just the sleestaks that haunted them. This is good stuff. I heard they are doing a remake. It will never rival the original TV series.